Teaching Moment

In life, we often come across situations that are out of our control. Whether it be unexpected setbacks, unforeseen circumstances, or external factors that disrupt our plans, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed or even powerless. However, amidst the chaos, there is one fundamental principle that remains constant: we can only control the controllables. The concept of controlling the controllables is rooted in the understanding that there are certain aspects of our lives that we have direct influence over, while others lie outside of our sphere of control. By focusing our energy and efforts on the things we can control, we can navigate through challenges and uncertainty with hope and resilience.


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We may not have control over the external events that occur, but we can choose how we interpret and respond to them. Adopting a positive and proactive mindset allows us to approach challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. It empowers us to find creative solutions, adapt to new circumstances, and maintain a sense of peace amidst the storm.

We may not be able to control the outcome of our efforts, but we can control the effort we put in. By consistently giving our best, staying committed to our goals, and maintaining discipline, we can cultivate a strong work ethic that will move us forward, regardless of hand that we are dealt.


We have the power to choose kindness, empathy, and understanding in our interactions with people. By treating others with respect and compassion, we not only foster positive relationships but also create an environment conducive to growth and collaboration.

While we cannot control the amount of time we have, we can control how we utilize it. By prioritizing our tasks, setting realistic goals, and managing our time effectively, we can maximize productivity and achieve a greater sense of control over our lives….even when you don’t feel you have it.

It is essential to recognize that accepting the uncontrollable aspects of life is also a part of controlling the controllables. There will always be circumstances and events that are outside of our influence, and attempting to control them will only lead to frustration and disappointment. Instead, we must learn to let go of what we cannot control and focus our energy on what we can.

In a world characterized by change and uncertainty, it is crucial to remember that we can only control the controllables. By focusing on our mindset, actions, attitudes, and time management, we can navigate through challenges and achieve personal growth. It is through the acceptance of what we cannot control that we gain true control over our lives. So, let us embrace this philosophy and face the future with confidence, knowing that we have the power to conquer any obstacle that comes our way.